Voices for African Liberation

Product Code: 9781739985202
Weight: 485.0g
Product Condition: New

Voices for African Liberation
Conversations with the Review
of African Political Economy
Edited by Leo Zeilig, Chinedu Chukwudinma, and Ben Radley

The human cost of Africa’s longstanding exploitation by foreign imperialist powers within the global capitalist economy are well documented, and today Africa is suffering under the disproportionate impact of the climate emergency. In this context, the imperative of anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist critique for a socialist African future has never been more urgent. Voices for African Liberation presents 38 interviews with African and Africanist socialists conducted by the Review of African Political Economy between 2015 and 2023, bringing to life older voices of liberation and lost radical histories alongside newer initiatives, projects, and activists who are engaged in the contemporary struggles to reshape Africa – to make, win, and sustain a revolutionary transformation in our devastated world.

Interviews in this collection include leading scholar-activists such as Samir Amin, Issa Shivji, and Hakim Adi, to significant national figures such as Guy Marius Sagna, Marjorie Mbilinyi, and Trevor Ngwane, to more local and less well-known activists and organic intellectuals such as Yusuf Serunkuma, Lena Anyuolo, and Bienvenu Matumo.
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