*SOLD OUT* O'Donovan Rossa: An Irish Revolutionary in America by Sean O Luing
Product Code: 9781530992188
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Weight: 548.0g
Product Condition: New

ODonovan Rossa: An Irish Revolutionary in America presents the human face of one of Irelands greatest freedom fighters. The indomitable spirit of this Fenian leader, Jeremiah ODonovan Rossa, is evoked by Patrick Pearses prophetic words over his grave in Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin, 1915: “While Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at rest.” Seán Ó Lúings fascinating account of ODonovan Rossas unrelenting commitment to the Irish cause, translated from Irish by Dr. Patrick McWilliams, is an essential chapter of Irish republican history.
ODonovan Rossa: An Irish Revolutionary in America presents the human face of one of Irelands greatest freedom fighters. The indomitable spirit of this Fenian leader, Jeremiah ODonovan Rossa, is evoked by Patrick Pearses prophetic words over his grave in Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin, 1915: “While Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at rest.” Seán Ó Lúings fascinating account of ODonovan Rossas unrelenting commitment to the Irish cause, translated from Irish by Dr. Patrick McWilliams, is an essential chapter of Irish republican history.
€15.00 inc. tax
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