Labour in Irish History by James Connolly
Product Code: Labour in Irish History
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Weight: 120.0g
Product Condition: New

In this little book Connolly challenges the nationalist myths about the Irish struggle for freedom from British rule. Connollys aim was to convince the radical nationalists that their policy of a union of classes would lead to disaster. He argued that Irish independence would bring little in the way of freedom and progress for the majority of the Irish people unless it included a fundamental challenge to the structure of society. He also shows graphically how the Irish capitalist class was always prepared to abandon and betray the struggle for liberation if its economic and social interests were threatened.
€4.50 inc. tax
Customer Reviews
(write review)An important read
"A very good and interesting read. Connolly shows how capitalism split Ireland into proletariat and bourgeoisie and not Catholic and Protestant. A must read for anyone looking into Connolly" Clover - Saturday 17 July 2021