Imperialism - The Highest Stage of Capitalism by V.I. Lenin

Product Code: 9780717800988
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Weight: 200.0g
Product Condition: New

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917), by Vladimir Lenin, describes the function of financial capital in generating profits from imperialist colonialism, as the final stage of capitalist development to ensure greater profits. The essay is a synthesis of Lenins modifications and developments of economic theories that Karl Marx formulated in Das Kapital (1867).

This edition published by International Publishers New York.

€14.99 inc. tax

Customer Reviews
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A must read for any Marxist 5 product stars
"Lenin perfectly explains in just 10 chapters what imperialism is, why it came about and it's effects on the world. This is definitely a required reading for anyone who wants to move on from Marx and Engels" Clover - Thursday 5 August 2021
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