Connolly Books Shop Front
Inside Connolly Books
Then and Now
(1992 - 2017)
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Book of Condolences on Fidel Castro's death.
(Presented to Cuban Embassy)
Plaque commemorating members of the Irish Citizen Army 1913-1923
(On shop front)
Click to enlarge
Irish Citizen Army re-enactment group
marching to Connolly Books
Crowd gathered for ICA plaque unveiling
Eugene McCartan addresses those gathered at ICA plaque unveiling
Crowd and Irish Citizen Army re-enactment group gathered for ICA plaque unveiling
Irish Citizen Army re-enactment group
marching to Connolly Books
Flags outside Connolly Books at AFA plaque unveiling
Cllr. Cieran Perry speaking at AFA plaque unveiling
Plaque Commemorating the Irish Anti-fascists who fought in Spain 1936-1939 (On shop front)
Flags at AFA plaque unveiling
"Dedicated to the Irish Anti-Fascists who joined the fight against Franco in Spain, 1936-39.
May their bravery serve as an inspiration to those who continue to fight fascism today.
Leanann an streachailt!"
Anti-fascist plaque unveiling full view
Challenges for Trade Unionism Launch
The Non Stop Connolly Show
Launch of Eddie Glackins Book "The Bloody Trail of Imperialism - The Origins of the First World War
Greg Palast - Vultures Picnic
We All Partied?
Permanent War
International Women's Day
Introducing Marxism
Madge Davidson: Revolutionary Firebrand.
Book launch poster
CPI Original
Multi-coloured Karl Marx
Drugs: from Crap to Community poster
Saving the Planet or Saving Capitalism poster
Ireland Outside the Euro
Class & Culture poster
ICA Plaque Unveiling Poster